
Women empowering women to achieve the best for all

In the wider scope of things, bringing women into the mainstream and their role in decision making at all levels is vital in maintaining a sustainable global development, and significantly improving the quality of life for individuals


Diversity of opinions, skills, talents and competencies

Empowering women promotes diversity, as every individual brings new ideas and different skills to the table, be it at home or in the office


Empowerment is not a destination rather it is a journey one must be willing to make

Women empowerment is about giving women the opportunity to shine and showcase their talents and therefore, allowed to give back to society


Empowering women requires devotion and boundless efforts

Women empowerment in its very essence is the undertaking by women to create and recreate their own purpose, regardless of the circumstances


Women empowerment is not about equality, its about individuality

“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.” ― Mark Anthony

Helping women realise the sky is the limit

Empowerment of women is often discussed in forums, seminars, summits, and various programmes, yet it is rarely understood. The kind of world we live in today requires women to be empowered now more than ever.

WOMANi believes in empowering women, as empowerment is power; power to achieve success, pursue dreams and shatter glass ceilings. WOMANi aims to raise awareness, provide opportunities and celebrate the achievements and success of women from diverse backgrounds that are creating a new future in the niche industry of Islamic banking and finance.

This independence is a fundamental human right that’s also the key to achieving a more peaceful, prosperous world and getting closer to realising the SDGs.

Women have been in leadership positions since the beginning of history however, they still remain underrepresented. WOMANi attempts to change this narrative.

WOMANi is applauding and paving way for women and girls to lead in a gender equal world, where diversity and inclusion takes centre stage, and women have influence and continue to inspire.




It is almost ten years since WOMANi embarked upon its mission to raise awareness of influential women who are active in Islamic finance and business. During the time elapsed since, we have witnessed a transformation within our Islamic financial services industry, apparent also within various other halal economy sectors that are very closely aligned with us, as we have grown year upon year and extended our footprint into new markets, sectors and geographies. READ FULL MESSAGE >>

WOMANi  connects, inspires and champions a growing global network of women in Islamic business and finance


Empower like-minded women


Provide a platform for women to lead industry discussions and build their industry profiles


Celebrate their achievements


Create opportunities for a new generation of female professionals


Empowering one million women

WOMANi attempts to compile a list of 5,000 leading women in Islamic banking and finance in the next 5 years. Its ultimate goal is to develop at least 1 million women into leadership roles in government, business, and social sector & philanthropy in the world as part of the global Islamic economy.

Empowered women since 2013
empowering women over the next 5 years

Membership Categories


WOMANi  Symposium

Women empowerment and gender diversity in Islamic finance is crucial for creating a more inclusive and sustainable industry and this can be achieved through initiatives that increase women's participation in the industry, promote their representation in decision-making roles, and provide opportunities for career development and advancement.

WOMANi Symposium brings together leading & influential female leaders from around the world to discuss the major industry subjects such as women empowerment, diversity. women inclusion and its impact on economic development. WOMANi believes that greater gender equality has the potential to contribute to inclusive growth when it is achieved in education, employment and other valued resources, as the world is starting to grasp that there is no policy more effective than the empowerment of women and girls.

Our recent WOMANi Symposium 2022 in Jakarta hosted leading women from different parts of the world for policy discussions and improving the leadership gap in diverse sectors of the global Islamic economy.


WOMANi  Awards

WOMANi Awards celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in Islamic business and finance, highlighting their roles at both individual and institutional levels. Since its inception, the awards have been held at high-profile ceremonies in Kuala Lumpur (2018), Dubai (2019 & 2021), Jakarta (2022), and most recently in Dubai again (2023). Each year, these events have not only acknowledged the exceptional talents of individual women but also recognised the supportive environments created by their organisations. From 2024, the WOMANi Awards will also recognise institutions that have demonstrated outstanding commitment to promoting gender diversity, providing support for women’s career advancement, and fostering inclusive workplace cultures. These corporate awards aim to highlight organisations that not only support but also thrive through their diversity initiatives.

The WOMANi Awards shine a light on female talent achieving success by showcasing the accomplishments of women in Islamic business and finance and identifying new role models. These awards serve as a platform to celebrate both the personal achievements of women and the institutional efforts that enable their success.

As part of our commitment to women's empowerment, WOMANi annually curates the Top 500 Most Influential Women in Islamic Business and Finance. This initiative aims to highlight the critical roles that exceptionally talented women play in shaping the Islamic business and finance sector globally.

In drawing up a definitive list of these influential women and the organisations that support them, Cambridge IFA canvasses a wide range of market opinions and conducts extensive data mining. The assessment process is thoroughly designed, evaluating influence and leadership over their company and market, career achievements, and overall performance. This evaluation is based on a rigorous methodology that includes three key factors:


Professional Leadership




Industry-wide recognition


Changing lives; one hundred WOMANi a year

Our awardees are eminent women who have pushed the frontiers of women leadership and paved a path for others to follow in their footsteps. They have become incredible role models for their countries and serve as an inspiration across industries and generations.


An open forum for all

WOMANi Awards act as a flagship and high-profile platform to support the Islamic business and finance industry in achieving gender balance and gender equality.


Changing the notion of women empowerment

Women empowerment is about having the right to do things the way they want and to take opportunities that are presented to them with zero limitation and without prejudice.


Support the cause of women empowerment

Industries are investing in gender diversity and female workforce, creating a creative and sustainable work environment that is increasing profits.


Women are leading change

There has never been a better time to celebrate women moving the industry forward. Businesses and individuals are realising the cost of losing female talent.


Raising women to the limelight

WOMANi places the decision-making torch in their hands enabling them to light up all the spheres of life, to ensure long-term sustainability of the status of women in society.


WOMANi  Report

Every woman is a WOMANi; a story of hard work, dedication, multi-tasking, professionalism, perseverance and success.

WOMANi Report highlights the top 500 most influential women in Islamic business and finance. These women are creating real change and forging a path for others in the diverse sectors of the Islamic financial services industry.

Womani  Supporters

WOMANi  Members


Says About Us

All praise to The Almighty.

Extremely honoured, humbled and grateful beyond words to have been included amongst the WOMANi 10 most prestigious list of leading women in Islamic business and finance.

Well done to Dr Humayon Dar, Cambridge IFA and the WOMANi team for recognising the contributions women make in Islamic business & finnace and the broader business world.

Fayruz Mohamed, South Africa

I am delighted to have been chosen as WOMANi 2021, by the reputable Islamic finance institution Cambridge IFA. Being among talented women and colleagues who are experts in their work is a great honour! This award has a special meaning for me.

Congratulations to all fantastic WOMANi of 2021!

Thank you, Dr Humayon Dar, WOMANi and Cambridge IFA team for recognising the amazing work these women contribute to IsBF and the business around the world.

Luísa Evaristo, Malaysia

I am very honoured to announce that I was at the WOMANi Awards in Dubai. I would like to thank the founder and his team for the invitation to be a part of this magnificent event and among the people who have high-ranking profiles in the Islamic finance world. Thanks Cambridge IFA.

Nerma Saracevic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

It gives me immense pleasure and gratitude to share that I have been awarded WOMANi Pakistan Award in recognition to my services in Islamic Finance Industry, not only in Pakistan, but internationally.

In addition, I would also like to share in high spirits that I have been included in the prestigious list of Top 10 Influential Women in Islamic Business & Finance 2021 globally.

All praise to Allah SWT.

Dr. Irum Saba, Pakistan

I’m blissful to be among the 300 influential women in Islamic Business & Finance for the year 2021 by reputable Islamic Institution Cambridge IFA.

Thank you Dr Humayon Dar, the WOMANi and Cambridge IFA team for recognising the talented women who continually contributing to Islamic banking and the business around the world.

Jihad Al Balushi, Oman

I’m blissful to be the first Kuwaiti ranked # 48 among the 300 influential women in Islamic Business & Finance for the year 2021- by reputable Islamic finance Institution Cambridge IFA.

Manal AlRubaian, Kuwait